Smarty is a template system written in PHP. It separates the PHP code from the HTML layout.
The Smarty libraries are accessed via the wrapper class eaSmarty located in code/base/smarty.class.php. The wrapper provides not only basic set-up procedures, but also localization functionality.
The templates for the ea-Geier are stored in html/.
The localization data is stored in ini files in lang/de/ or lang/en/ respectively.
A basic template (html/dummy.tpl):
{include file="dummy.ini"} <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>{#fixedTextToBeLocalized#}</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> {* This is a little comment that won't be visible in the HTML source *} {$body_text} </body><!-- this is a little comment that will be seen in the HTML source --> </html>
An appropriate localization file (lang/en/dummy.ini)
fixedTextToBeLocalized=TITLE: This is the Smarty basic example ...
And its integration into PHP:
require_once('code/base/smarty.class.php') $smarty = new eaSmarty(); $smarty->assign('body_text', 'BODY: This is the message set using assign()'); $smarty->display('html/dummy.tpl');
See the Reference Guide for a complete list of commands.
In addition to the native Smarty functions the ea-Geier provides the following constructs:
- {eaInput} creates input fields with labeling, help text, error handling, etc.
- {eaSelect}{/eaSelect} creates selection fields with labeling, help text, error handling etc.
- {eaSubmitButton} creates submit buttons
- {eaURL} creates beautified links
The Smarty library will be bundled with production releases.
But as 3rd-party product it will not be checked into the repository.
If the Smarty code is missing in your ea-Geier distribution, please download it from the Smarty homepage.
Unzip the code into the 3party/smarty/ folder – e.g.:
and make sure the eaSMARTY_DIR definition is configured properly. To do this, open the the file code/config.php. Look for eaSMARTY_DIR and change the value to the name of the folder you have just uploaded – e.g.:
define('eaSMARTY_DIR', '3party/smarty/Smarty-2.6.18/');