Selenium – Balance

This test

  • logs in,
  • checks JavaScript functionality,
  • checks precision settings,
  • checks wrong / correct input,
  • and checks changing of existing data.
Accounting Balance
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=balanceStart
open index.php?state=logout
type mailLogin
type passLogin testpass
clickAndWait buttonLogin
verifyElementNotPresent name=balance
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=balanceCreateClient
open index.php
verifyElementPresent name=balance
clickAndWait link=Bilanz
type txtOut1 Lohnnebenkosten
type numOut1 200,00
type txtIn1 Lottogewinn
type numIn1 400,00
clickAndWait buttonSaveBalance
selectAndWait numYear label=2006
clickAndWait link=Bilanz
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=balanceStop