Accounting-Balance Requirements

Accounting Balance

ID: AC001
Description: The accounting balance allows to generate a yearly balance report.The traveling-expenses report allows the recording daily allowances or costs for ever-night stays of company-related traveling.
Rationale: The main purpose of the accounting balance is to gather all relevant data from the cash book, the assets book, the purchase book, and the traveling expenses and to merge it to a yearly balance.
Fit Criterion: The ea-Geier provides an interface to generate the accounting balance. [rcA5]

Accounting-Balance Data

ID: AC002
Description: Each balance has a unique id provided by the system.
Rationale: Initially there will be one balance per year. Thus the balance could be identified by an id which equals the year. However to be open to the accounting methods of other countries, the system will give each balance an unique id in the order of entering the records.
Fit Criterion: Each has a unique id provided by the system as well as a field referencing to the year of the balance. [rcA5]
ID: AC003
Description: The balance shows the net sums of categorized revenues and expenses stored in the cash book.
Rationale: The balance compares the revenues and the expenses of a year stored in the cash book.
Fit Criterion: The balance has not editable fields holding the net sums of the categorized revenues and expenses of the cash book. [rcA5]
ID: AC004
Description: The balance shows the net sums of traveling-expenses report.
Rationale: The expenses include the net costs from the traveling-expenses report.
Fit Criterion: The balance has not editable fields holding the sums net costs of the traveling-expenses report. [rcA5]
ID: AC005
Description: The balance shows the net sums of the depreciation from the assets book.
Rationale: The expenses include the depreciation for wear and tear of the assets of a company.
Fit Criterion: The balance has not editable fields holding the sums of the depreciation for wear and tear of the assets book. [rcA5]
ID: AC006
Description: The balance stores additional revenues and expenses provided by the user.
Rationale: The balance holds also data not stored in the system. e.g. mileage allowances not associated with travels, salaries, etc.
Fit Criterion: The balance has fields to add revenues and expenses not stored in the system. [rcA5]
ID: AC007
Description: The number format is configurable on a client basis.
Rationale: The number format may be different depending on the country of the user. e.g. 123,45 EUR compared to 123.45 USD.
Fit Criterion: The owner of a client can define the number format in which the data will be entered and displayed. [rcA5]


ID: AC008
Description: The balance is shown for years with available data records of the other books.
Rationale: The balance is the collection of the data from the other books. Thus there can only be balance for the years with valid records.
Fit Criterion: The yearly balance can be selected for the years with valid data records. [rcA5]
ID: AC009
Description: The user can print the yearly reports.
Rationale: The user will want to print the accounting-balance report.
Fit Criterion: A print function allows to print the accounting-balance. [rcA5]

Additional Functionality

ID: AC010
Description: A history log stores all data changes.
Rationale: To provide the complete history of a transaction, the system has to log all changes.
Fit Criterion: The system stores each manipulation of a record. [future feature – depends on used database]