
The configuration data of the ea-Geier is places in different locations depending on its impact.


Configuration of the base code of the ea-Geier, which does not depend on the installation environment but on the code itself. e.g. version numbers or paths to of third-party libraries. Attention: Manual changes in this file will be lost after a software update.

Configuration at this level is handled by constants.


System configuration, which defines the environment in which the ea-Geier lives – e.g. the specification of the database connection. Attention: This file will stay “mostly” the same after a software update.

Configuration at this level is handled by an the array $conf[].


Configuration, which might change on “daily basis” – such as user or client data.

Inside the database the configuration data is stored in different locations:

  • The config table holds configuration data of the system, and default values for clients and users. It also defines the type of the configuration value and how and by whom they might change. System values are only changed by the system administrator and are stored only in this table.
  • The clients table is a list of all clients in the system, and includes all client configuration which is unique to the client.
  • The clientconfig table holds all client configuration which is not particularly unique to the client. If a value is not set in this table the default value from the config table is used.
  • The users table is a list of all registered users of the system, and includes all user configuration which is unique to the user.
  • The userconfig table holds all user configuration which is not particularly unique to the user. If a value is not set in this table the default value from the config table is used.