You can install the ea-Geier either manually or using the integrated installation support.
System Requirements
- Operation System: no limitations
- already tested: Linux 2.4.32, Linux, OS X 10.3.9, Windows Vista Business
- Web Server: no limitations
- already tested: Apache 1.3.33, Apache 2.0.59
- Programming Language: PHP 4 up
- already tested: PHP 4.3.10, PHP 4.4.4, PHP 4.4.7, PHP 5.2.1
- Database: theoretically all databases supported by ADOdb
- already tested: MySQL 4.0.27, MySQL 4.1.21, MySQL 5.0.27
Automatic Installation
- Unpack Software: Move to the chosen directory and unzip the software.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /]$ mv ea-pA1.tar.gz www [CHROOT /]$ cd www [CHROOT /www]$ tar -zxpf ea-pA1.tar.gz
- Create Database: Create a new database and a user with read and write access. This database will contain the system, user, and client configuration. You can store the actual accounting records in this database or in separated databases. For the later, you need to create additional databases.
- Start Installation: Open the start directory in a web browser.
- e.g. http://localhost/ea
- The system checks if it can access all necessary folders. If not, it will display appropriate messages.
- Enter the requested data. If the installation was successful, the system will display the content of your new configuration file. Copy this text into the File config.php inside the config folder.
- System Configuration: Use your new account created during the installation to adjust the system do your needs.
Please help us to improve the ea-Geier:
Run the automatic tests in
- ea/test/selenium and
- ea/test/simpletest,
and tell us about the result.
It could be that you have to adjust the access limitations in ea/3party/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/simpletest/.htaccess, and ea/test/.htaccess to your system.
Automatic Update
- Create Backup: First of all, create a backup of your working system (software as well as database!).
- Unpack Software: Move to the chosen directory and unzip the software.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /]$ mv ea-pA1.tar.gz www [CHROOT /]$ cd www [CHROOT /www]$ tar -zxpf ea-pA1.tar.gz
- Start Update: Log in using your administration account. That’s it.
Please help us to improve the ea-Geier:
Run the automatic tests in
- ea/test/selenium and
- ea/test/simpletest,
and tell us about the result.
It could be that you have to adjust the access limitations in ea/3party/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/simpletest/.htaccess, and ea/test/.htaccess to your system.
Manual Installation
- Unpack Software: Move to the chosen directory and unzip the software.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /]$ mv ea-pA1.tar.gz www [CHROOT /]$ cd www [CHROOT /www]$ tar -zxpf ea-pA1.tar.gz
- Create Database: Create a new database and a user with read and write access. This database will contain the system, user, and client configuration. You can store the actual accounting records in this database or in separated databases. For the later, you need to create additional databases.
- Configuration File: Move to the folder config. Copy the file config.dist.php to config.php and adjust the contents to your database setup.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /www]$ cd ea/config [CHROOT /www/ea/config]$ ls config.dist.php index.html [CHROOT /www/ea/config]$ cp config.dist.php config.php [CHROOT /www/ea/config]$ vi config.php /** * database configuration * * format: driver://user:password@server/database */ $conf['dsn'] = 'mysqlt://dbuser:reallyreallytopsecret@localhost/eageier';
- Fill Database: Move to the folder admin and start the file sql.php.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /www]$ cd ea/admin [CHROOT /www/ea/admin]$ php -q sql.php
- Adjust Permissions: In unix-like systems you have to enable the system to write to several directories or files.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /www]$ cd ea [CHROOT /www/ea]$ chmod 707 tmp/smarty/cache tmp/smarty/templates_c [CHROOT /www/ea]$ chmod 707 tmp/test [CHROOT /www/ea]$ chmod 707 log/.hterror
- Create your first Account: Now you should create the administration account for your system. To do this follow the instructions in the documentation. Then adjust add this email address to your configuration file.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /www]$ cd ea/config [CHROOT /www/ea/config]$ ls config.dist.php index.html [CHROOT /www/ea/config]$ cp config.dist.php config.php [CHROOT /www/ea/config]$ vi config.php define('eaSYSADMIN', '');
- System Configuration: Use your new administration account to adjust the system do your needs.
Please help us to improve the ea-Geier:
Run the automatic tests in
- ea/test/selenium and
- ea/test/simpletest,
and tell us about the result.
It could be that you have to adjust the access limitations in ea/3party/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/simpletest/.htaccess, and ea/test/.htaccess to your system.
Manual Update
- Create Backup: First of all, create a backup of your working system (software as well as database!).
- Unpack Software: Move to the chosen directory and unzip the software.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /]$ mv ea-pA1.tar.gz www [CHROOT /]$ cd www [CHROOT /www]$ tar -zxpf ea-pA1.tar.gz
- Update Database: Move to the folder admin and run the file sql.php.
- e.g. using Linux, OS X, or Unix:
[CHROOT /www]$ cd ea/admin [CHROOT /www/ea/admin]$ php -q sql.php
- If you have already created clients, it could be that you have to update some client databases manually. For each client there should be one of the following tables prefixed with the client ID:
XX_cashbook XX_assets XX_purchasebook XX_tavels XX_balance
- If they are not there, please copy the the template tables (without prefixed client ID).
Please help us to improve the ea-Geier:
Run the automatic tests in
- ea/test/selenium and
- ea/test/simpletest,
and tell us about the result.
It could be that you have to adjust the access limitations in ea/3party/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/selenium/.htaccess, ea/test/simpletest/.htaccess, and ea/test/.htaccess to your system.