Selenium – Assets Book

This test

  • logs in,
  • checks JavaScript functionality,
  • checks precision settings,
  • checks wrong / correct input,
  • checks changing of existing data,
  • checks entering various assets,
  • and checks table functionality.
Assets Book
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=assetsStart
open index.php?state=logout
type mailLogin
type passLogin testpass
clickAndWait buttonLogin
verifyElementNotPresent name=assets
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=assetsCreateClient
open index.php
verifyElementPresent name=assets
clickAndWait name=assets
verifyElementPresent name=newassetsitem
clickAndWait name=newassetsitem
type txtName Computeranlage
type txtDate 30.06.2002
type txtVendor Computer Meier
Mustergasse 13
1234 Musterstadt
type numAmount 2500,00
type numLifeTime 4
type numDepreciation4 600,00
type numValue4 0,00
select txtDeprMethod label=linear halbjährig (A)
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
type txtName
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName Laptop
type txtDate 20.02.2003
type txtVendor
Laptopgasse 39/34
A-2883 Laptophausen
type numAmount 1582,50
type numLifeTime 3
select txtDeprMethod label=linear monatlich (D)
type numDepreciation4 0,00
type numValue4 0,00
select txtDeprMethod label=linear halbjährig (A)
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName Computeranlage
type txtDate 29.05.2004
type txtVendor Meyer
type txtVendor Meyer
Talgasse 1a
1234 Wien
type numAmount 504,89
type numLifeTime 4
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
type txtName iPIC AB1234
type txtDate 13.11.2004
type txtVendor Karababab
An der Burg 28
D-12334 Berlin
type numAmount 559,48
type numLifeTime 3
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName PowerBook G7
type txtDate 24.11.2004
type txtVendor
Am Bierhaus 39
D-29888 Bad Musterburg
type numAmount 1506,80
type numLifeTime 3
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName Kamera ALD-3KK3
type txtDate 25.12.2004
type txtVendor Irgendow
Mustergasse 23
A-2344 Musterburg
type numAmount 430,17
type numLifeTime 4
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName Monitor
type txtDate 04.05.2005
type txtVendor MonitorForFree
Monitorweg 1
1234 Monitorcity
type txtName Monitor 44′
type numAmount 1248,99
type numLifeTime 4
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName LKW
type txtDate 01.06.2005
type txtVendor Autohändler
Autoallee 12/3d
1255 Autodorf
type numAmount 16377,87
type numLifeTime 5
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName PKW
type txtDate 14.09.2005
type txtVendor Autohändler
Autoalle 3/3d
1234 Autodorf
type numAmount 23388,00
type numLifeTime 8
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait link=Anlagenverzeichnis
clickAndWait link=8
clickAndWait link=Anlagenverzeichnis
clickAndWait //td[2]
type txtVendor Autohändler
Autoallee 12/3d
1255 Autodorf
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName Lesegerät
type txtDate 31.10.2006
type txtVendor
C/Petlino Baballo 73
12455 Pamplona
type numAmount 583,00
type numLifeTime 2
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait newassetsitem
type txtName Laptop se999
type txtDate 26.02.2007
type txtVendor Mind Engery GmbH
Linksgasse 2
1234 Wunderdorf
type numAmount 1192,03
type numLifeTime 4
clickAndWait buttonSaveAssetsItem
clickAndWait link=Anlagenverzeichnis
clickAndWait link=9
clickAndWait link=Anlagenverzeichnis
clickAndWait //tr[4]/td[2]
clickAndWait link=Anlagenverzeichnis
clickAndWait //a[contains(@href, ‘page2’)]
clickAndWait link=<
clickAndWait link=>
clickAndWait //div/a[2]
selectAndWait numDepreciation label=AfA 2004
selectAndWait numValue label=Wert 31.12.2010
clickAndWait link=Anlage
clickAndWait link=Anlage
clickAndWait link=Kaufdatum
clickAndWait link=Kaufdatum
clickAndWait link=Kaufpreis
clickAndWait link=Kaufpreis
clickAndWait link=Nr.
clickAndWait link=Nr.
typeAndWait txtWhat Laptop
clickAndWait //tr[3]/td[2]
clickAndWait link=Anlagenverzeichnis
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=assetsStop