This test
- logs in,
- checks JavaScript functionality,
- checks precision settings,
- checks wrong / correct input,
- checks changing of existing data,
- checks entering various goods,
- and checks table functionality.
Purchase Book | ||
open | test/selenium/prepare.php?what=purchaseBookStart | |
open | index.php?state=logout | |
type | mailLogin | |
type | passLogin | testpass |
clickAndWait | buttonLogin | |
verifyElementNotPresent | name=purchasebook | |
open | test/selenium/prepare.php?what=purchaseBookCreateClient | |
open | index.php | |
verifyElementPresent | name=purchasebook | |
clickAndWait | name=purchasebook | |
verifyElementPresent | name=newpurchasebookitem | |
clickAndWait | name=newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K1 |
type | txtName | Mehl |
type | txtDate | 01.01.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Bäcker Mehlgasse 3 1234 Mehlburg |
type | numAmount | 6,50 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | B2 |
type | txtName | Wasser |
type | txtDate | 02.02.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Wasserwerk Am Fluß 4444 See |
type | numAmount | 0,60 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K3 |
type | txtName | Eier |
type | txtDate | 03.03.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Eiermann an der Haustür |
type | numAmount | 35,90 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | B4 |
type | txtName | Salz |
type | txtDate | 05.03.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Salzbergwerk 1234 Salzburg |
type | numAmount | 5,40 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K15 |
type | txtName | Brot |
type | txtDate | 06.07.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Bächerei Mühlweg 1 |
type | txtVendor | Bächerei Mühlweg 1 gleiches Dorf |
type | numAmount | 123,40 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K35 |
type | txtName | Wurst |
type | txtDate | 14.07.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Fleischerei Wurschtweg 1 1483 Vegicity |
type | numAmount | 123,45 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | B444 |
type | txtName | Fernseher |
type | txtDate | 09.09.2006 |
type | txtVendor | Großhändler |
type | numAmount | 15000,00 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K1234 |
type | txtName | Radios |
type | txtDate | 01.05.2007 |
type | txtVendor | Radioschak |
type | numAmount | 1488,44 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K1344 |
type | txtName | Kaugummis |
type | txtDate | 03.06.2007 |
type | txtVendor | Gummizwerg |
type | numAmount | 123,46 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | B455 |
type | txtName | Rasierklingen |
type | txtDate | 03.07.2007 |
type | txtVendor | Stahlwaren |
type | numAmount | 555,00 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | newpurchasebookitem | |
type | txtID | K4444 |
type | txtName | Posten 11 |
type | txtDate | 17.07.2007 |
type | txtVendor | niemand |
type | numAmount | 0,00 |
clickAndWait | buttonSavePurchaseBookItem | |
clickAndWait | purchasebook | |
clickAndWait | link=Nr. | |
clickAndWait | link=Nr. | |
clickAndWait | link=Beleg | |
clickAndWait | link=Beleg | |
clickAndWait | link=Bezeichnung | |
clickAndWait | link=Bezeichnung | |
clickAndWait | link=Kaufpreis | |
clickAndWait | link=Kaufpreis | |
selectAndWait | txtMonth | label=05.2007 |
selectAndWait | txtMonth | label=07.2006 |
typeAndWait | txtWhat | t |
typeAndWait | txtWhat | a |
typeAndWait | txtWhat | |
selectAndWait | txtMonth | label=Datum |
clickAndWait | //a[contains(@href, ‘page2’)] | |
clickAndWait | link=< | |
clickAndWait | link=> | |
clickAndWait | link=< | |
open | test/selenium/prepare.php?what=purchaseBookStop |