Selenium – Traveling Expenses

This test

  • logs in,
  • checks JavaScript functionality,
  • checks precision settings,
  • checks wrong / correct input,
  • checks changing of existing data,
  • checks entering various travel records,
  • and checks table functionality.
Traveling Expenses
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=travelStart
open index.php?state=logout
type mailLogin
type passLogin testpass
clickAndWait buttonLogin
verifyElementNotPresent name=travel
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=travelCreateClient
open index.php
verifyElementPresent name=travel
clickAndWait link=Reisekosten
clickAndWait newtravelitem
type txtName Paris
type txtDate 01.04.2007
type txtPeriod 3 Tage
type numDay 124,00
type numNight 30,00
type txtVouchers K14, B23
type numDistance 2474
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
clickAndWait newtravelitem
type txtName Vorarlberg
type txtDate 02.05.2007
type txtPeriod 4 Tage
type numDay 245,00
type numNight 45,00
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
type numDistance 1238
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
clickAndWait newtravelitem
type txtName Eisenstadt
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
type txtDate 03.06.2007
type numDay 39,50
type numNight 0,00
select txtTax label=20 %
select txtTax label=10 %
type numDistAmount 0,00
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
clickAndWait newtravelitem
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
type txtName Purkersdorf
type txtDate 05.07.2007
type txtPeriod 4 Stunden
type txtVouchers B15
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
clickAndWait newtravelitem
type txtName Eisenstadt
type txtDate 08.07.2007
type txtPeriod 5 Stunden
type numDistance 120
clickAndWait buttonSaveTravelItem
clickAndWait link=Reisekosten
typeAndWait txtWhat eisenstadt
typeAndWait txtWhat
selectAndWait txtMonth label=07.2007
clickAndWait link=Reisekosten
selectAndWait txtMonth label=Datum
clickAndWait link=Reisezweck
clickAndWait link=Netto
clickAndWait link=MWSt.
clickAndWait link=MWSt.
clickAndWait link=Kilometergeld
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=travelStop