This test
- logs in,
- checks JavaScript functionality,
- checks precision settings,
- checks wrong / correct input,
- checks changing of existing data,
- checks entering various travel records,
- and checks table functionality.
Traveling Expenses | ||
open | test/selenium/prepare.php?what=travelStart | |
open | index.php?state=logout | |
type | mailLogin | |
type | passLogin | testpass |
clickAndWait | buttonLogin | |
verifyElementNotPresent | name=travel | |
open | test/selenium/prepare.php?what=travelCreateClient | |
open | index.php | |
verifyElementPresent | name=travel | |
clickAndWait | link=Reisekosten | |
clickAndWait | newtravelitem | |
type | txtName | Paris |
type | txtDate | 01.04.2007 |
type | txtPeriod | 3 Tage |
type | numDay | 124,00 |
type | numNight | 30,00 |
type | txtVouchers | K14, B23 |
type | numDistance | 2474 |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
clickAndWait | newtravelitem | |
type | txtName | Vorarlberg |
type | txtDate | 02.05.2007 |
type | txtPeriod | 4 Tage |
type | numDay | 245,00 |
type | numNight | 45,00 |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
type | numDistance | 1238 |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
clickAndWait | newtravelitem | |
type | txtName | Eisenstadt |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
type | txtDate | 03.06.2007 |
type | numDay | 39,50 |
type | numNight | 0,00 |
select | txtTax | label=20 % |
select | txtTax | label=10 % |
type | numDistAmount | 0,00 |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
clickAndWait | newtravelitem | |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
type | txtName | Purkersdorf |
type | txtDate | 05.07.2007 |
type | txtPeriod | 4 Stunden |
type | txtVouchers | B15 |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
clickAndWait | newtravelitem | |
type | txtName | Eisenstadt |
type | txtDate | 08.07.2007 |
type | txtPeriod | 5 Stunden |
type | numDistance | 120 |
clickAndWait | buttonSaveTravelItem | |
clickAndWait | link=Reisekosten | |
typeAndWait | txtWhat | eisenstadt |
typeAndWait | txtWhat | |
selectAndWait | txtMonth | label=07.2007 |
clickAndWait | link=Reisekosten | |
selectAndWait | txtMonth | label=Datum |
clickAndWait | link=Reisezweck | |
clickAndWait | link=Netto | |
clickAndWait | link=MWSt. | |
clickAndWait | link=MWSt. | |
clickAndWait | link=Kilometergeld | |
open | test/selenium/prepare.php?what=travelStop |