Traveling Expenses

The main purpose of the traveling-expenses report is to collect all data concerning business travels.


In detail it allows

  • to enter new and update old travel records,
  • to sort the records on a client basis,
  • different date and number formats,
  • automatic competition for missing fields derived from the entered data,
  • to browse the records,
    • with sorting possibilities,
    • and a search function,
  • to print single or multiple records,
  • and to export single or multiple records.


The functions of the traveling-expenses report are handled by the following files:

File Explanation
/code/ the main PHP code of the traveling expenses
/code/travel.db.php the database functions of the traveling expenses
/admin/sql/travels.sql the database definition of the traveling expenses
/code/travel.html.php the HTML functions of the traveling expenses
/html/travel.tpl the Smarty template of the traveling-expenses overview page
/html/travelitem.tpl the Smarty template of the travel-item detail page
/html/travelnav.tpl the Smarty template of the travel-expenses navigation
/html/travelprint.tpl the Smarty template of the travel-expenses overview page – print view
/html/travelitemprint.tpl the Smarty template of the travel-item detail page – print view
/html/travelcsv.tpl the Smarty template of the travel-expenses overview page – CSV export
/html/travelitemcsv.tpl the Smarty template of the travel-item detail page – CSV export
/lang/de/travel.ini the German language file of the traveling expenses
/lang/en/travel.ini the English language file of the traveling expenses
/css/travel.css the style sheet of the traveling expenses
/js/travelitem.js the JavaScript functions of the traveling expenses